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Traditional Dance As A Determinant Of Physical Fitness And Well-being Of The Elderly
The study was conducted to examine how traditional dance determines physical fitness and well-being of the elderly. Participating in dance may allow the elderly to improve their physical fitness, health and well-being. Another advantage is that they can significantly improve their aerobic capacity, lower body muscle endurance, strength and flexibility, balance, agility and gait through the dancing. Regular physical activity is considered one of the most important factors for lifestyle, maintaining good health in older ages and increasing life expectancy. Dance as a musical-kinetics skill, requires the coordination of body movements with rhythmic stimuli, developing the adaptability of the movement. Elderly seem to enjoy dancing as an activity while maintaining their functionality. Probably the elderly in traditional dance cause prosperity in their lives by promoting active aging. The study revealed that traditional dance has a way of impacting on physical fitness and well-being of the elderly. Hence, the study concluded how traditional dance impact on physical fitness and well-being of the elderly, it was believed that traditional dancing could be an important and effective tool for the prevention and the fight against the health problems of the elderly. The study show that traditional dancing contributes to the well-being of the elderly with a view of independent and quality living. Maintaining their physical fitness and functional capacity at satisfactory levels, lead them to a more qualitative and independent lifestyle while the risk of various diseases is reduced. One of the recommendation was that elderly should engage in traditional dancing on a regular basis to have better balance, postural stability and flexibility.
KEYWORD: Traditional Dance, Physical Fitness, Well-Being and Elderly
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