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Investigating Into Music Instruction And Cognitive Development In Young Children
Music is a language of learning that eventually involves children in talking, reading, drawing, and writing. Music instruction has repeatedly been claimed to positively impact the cognitive skills development of children. This claim relies on the assumption that engaging in intellectually demanding activities fosters particular domain-general cognitive skills, or even general intelligence. In relation to cognitive development, it is seen as the emergence of the ability to consciously cognize, understand, and articulate understanding in adult terms. And it also seen as the way people perceive, think, and gain understanding of their world through the relations of genetic and learning factor. That is why the study is carried to investigate into Music Instruction and Cognitive Development in Young Children. Thus, the review concluded that music instruction positively impacts the cognitive development of a child either by music exposure, or in-school music education. One of the recommendations was that government should setup a sustainable collaboration between music educators and early childhood professionals in building the successful cognitive development of a young children.
KEYWORDS: Music Instruction, Cognitive Development and Young Children
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