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The Roles of Stakeholders Relationship in the Electoral Process
The stakeholders of an EMB are those individuals, groups and organizations that have an interest or ‘stake’ in its operations. They can be classified as either primary stakeholders, who directly affect or are directly affected by the EMB’s activities, policies and practices; or as secondary stakeholders, who have a looser connection with the EMB’s activities. Genuine and open dialogue with stakeholders can build confidence in the electoral process and trust in the EMB’s activities. It is important for an EMB to foster close cooperation with its stakeholders to ensure their support for its policies and programmes and to strengthen their confidence in the EMB’s performance. Unless the EMB works hard to create and sustain sound relations with its stakeholders, there are likely to be misunderstandings and suspicions about its activities. This may ultimately generate lack of public confidence and trust in the EMB and the electoral process. This could be mitigated by sharing its publications such as annual reports, election reports, financial reports and newsletters with all stakeholders, and regularly organizing information meetings to which stakeholders are invited.
KEY WORDS: E.M.B, Stakeholders Relationship, Electoral Process
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