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Antisocial Behaviour Indicators and Academic Self-Concept of Students in Public Universities in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
The study determined the Influence of Antisocial Behaviour indicators and Academic Self-concept of students in Public Universities in Akwa Ibom state. The study adopted expo-facto research design. The population of the study consisted of all year two (2) students in the two public universities in AkwaIbom state who numbered 14,715. The sample size of 1,471 year two (2) students from two public universities in AkwaIbom state was used for the study. Two research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A researcher constructed instrument called “antisocial behaviour variables and academic self-concept of students’ questionnaire†(ABVASSQ) containing 50 items was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed, using independent z-test and were tested at .05 level of significant. The two null hypotheses formulated were rejected. Findings of the study revealed significant influence of cultism, examination misconduct, academic self-concept of students in public universities in AkwaIbom State based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that students who involved in cult activities and other antisocial behaviours should be promptly identified and referred to the school counselor; public enlightenment campaign should be organized at all levels to educate the students on the negative effects of student’s involvement in antisocial behaviour to enhance positive academic self-concept. Students who are in the habit of involving in cult activities and other socio vices should be promptly identified and referred to the school counselor. Therefore, alcohol consumption, narcotics use policies on campus, intervention on education campaigns for students are highly relevant to reduce the menace. Lecturers should give students the type of assignments and projects that arouse their interest and boost their positive academic self-concept. Group projects or assignment that causes the students to develop the spirit of inquiring should characterize most of the assignments given to students. Lecturers should help the students to develop positive academic self-concept. Parents should embark on school visit so as to enhance children’s positive academic self-concept. Government at all levels and schools’ authorities should as much as possible provide places, equipment and facilities in the school to cater for the needs of the students.
KEYWORDS: Antisocial Behaviour, Examination Misconduct, Cultism, Academic, Self-concept, Students, Public Universities
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