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The Roles Of Principals In The Promotion Of Entrepreneurship Education In Secondary School In Uyo Municipality
This study sought to assess the roles of principals in the promotion of entrepreneurship
education in secondary school in Uyo municipality. The study adopted an Expost facto research
design. The study was conducted in Uyo. The population of the study comprised principals and
vice principals (administration and academics) in secondary schools in Uyo. Simple random
sampling technique was adopted in selecting 20 principals and 40 vice principals (20 in
administration and 20 in academics), thus, giving a sample size of 180 respondents for the study.
The main instrument used in this study was a questionnaire titled “Principals and Promotion of
Entrepreneurship Education Questionnaire†(PPEEQ). Face and content validation of the
instrument was carried out to ensure that the instrument has the accuracy, appropriateness,
completeness and the language of the study under consideration. Cronbach Alpha technique was
used to determine the level of reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient obtained
was 0.84 and this was high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The researcher subjected
the data generated for this study to appropriate statistical techniques such as simple regression
to test the hypotheses. The test for significance was done at 0.05 alpha levels. The study
concluded that principals have great roles to play in the promotion of entrepreneurship
education, as the realization of educational goals rests primarily on their shoulders. One of the
recommendations made was that the State Government should provide the enabling environment
that enhances this course to be worthwhile and enticing for students to appreciate and value it in
order for them to be useful to self and functional to the society upon by their graduation.
Keywords: Principals, Entrepreneurship Education, Challenges, Mitigating Strategies
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