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Gender Differentials And Students’ Academic Performance In French: An Empirical Observation And Analysis
In view of the significance attached to the development of French language in Nigeria, it is
important to take a look into the effect of a gender in the mastery of French language among
learners of the language in Nigeria schools. Thus, the present paper reports the empirical study
carried out to determine the effect of a gender in the mastery of French language. The sample
consisted of one hundred and seventy-two male and female undergraduate students from eight
Nigerian universities who were in the Nigerian French village, Ajara, Badagry for their French
immersion programme. Stratified Random Sampling was used as population for the study. The
instrument used was a 50 items multiple choice achievement test constructed by the researcher.
The research questions were raised and attempt was made on the part of students to answer
them. Also, formulated were two null hypotheses. However, from the analysis of result, there is
clear evidence that, there is a significant difference between the performance of male and female
students. Female students performed significantly better than the male students. Study concludes
with some pertinent recommendations that could make French language attractive to male
future learners of French and make them perform better in subsequent future examinations.
KEYWORDS: French, Gender differentials and Students’ Academic Performance
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