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The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Promoting Maternal and Child Health: An Assessment of the Nigerian Situation


Entrepreneurship education is an instrument for empowerment to improve the standard of living thereby improving health. It is the starting point for advancement in different fields of human endeavour. Entrepreneurship education is a catalyst or spring board to every other form of empowerment. If women are educated they would have more self-confidence to take up position of authority and participate more meaningfully in national development. One of the major means of improving maternal and child health, reducing morbidity and mortality in the population and promoting public health is through meaningful entrepreneurship education to improve the standard of living of women, children and other family members in the communities by creating employment opportunities. Entrepreneurship education is a necessary tool for reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality, thus improving the maternal and child health, this is on the premise that a woman who is economically and educationally empowered is in a better position to make choice and decisions concerning her health and that of her children in health related circumstances or situation. This paper seeks to examine the role of entrepreneurship education in reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. It is recommended that every woman should be encouraged to venture into small or medium scale enterprise that could improve her access to income.

KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship Education, Maternal and Child Health, Skill Development Areas, Nigeria

Usoro Ekong HARRISON
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