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Effectiveness of Computer-Aided-Instruction on Academic Performance in Electric Field Concepts among Integrated Science Undergraduate Students in Zaria, Nigeria
This study investigated the effect of Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) on students’ academic achievement in Electric Field concepts among undergraduate Integrated Science Students. The research design for the study was pre-test, post-test, quasi experimental design. The population of the study consisted of 210 (123 male and 87 female) year two University students in Zaria. Intact class participated in the study with 109 in experimental and 101 in control groups. Electric field concepts were taught using CAI in the experimental group. Electric Field Hockey Software and Electric Field Concept Achievement Test (EFCAT) with reliabilities 0.82 and 0.71 respectively were the instruments used. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. t-test statistic was used for data analysis. Major findings of the study revealed that the use of computer-aided-instruction was effective in enhancing students’ academic performance and the impact of CAI was gender friendly. Based on the findings, it was recommended that science teachers should employ CAI strategy in their teachings and endeavor to acquire required skills for effective use of CAI in teaching sciences.
KEYWORDS: Computer-Aided-Instructions, Academic Performance, Effectiveness, Gender, Electric field concepts, Integrated Science
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