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Sensory Disorder and Intervention Strategies
The term hearing impairment is often used generically to describe a wide range of hearing losses, including deafness and hard of hearing. Hearing impairment is defined by IDEA as impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. A healthy deaf child can run, jump, play ball, and take part in all physical education programmes which his peers do. He can and should, follow a regular school curriculum. In other words, he should be integrated into the regular classroom. In the primary school, it is a wise method for a counselor who has training or experience in communicating with a deaf pupil, to do this with paper and pencil. Writing will reduce any guesswork and anxiety for the deaf pupil. Parents need to consider every part of their deaf or hard of hearing child’s school day - even times spent on the bus and ensure that there is effective communication access available to him or her. Students with disabilities been provided with technologies and devices that could be helpful to them in ways such as students who are visually impaired or blind can benefit from the use of smart scanners and readers also its easy and cheap to improve the learning environment for students who are visually impaired or blind when they record all lessons. This way students can listen to the instructions or lesson multiple times in order to make sure they completely understand what is expected.
KEYWORDS: Deafness, Intervention strategies, Interpreter, Deaf-blindness.
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