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Selected Internet Platform Variables Application Competencies Required By Secretaries for Information Administration In Federal Universities In Nigeria/
The purpose of the study was to determine the internet tools application competencies
required by secretaries for information exchange in Federal Universities in South-South,
Nigeria. Seven specific objectives was identified, seven research questions was raised and
seven null hypotheses was formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a survey
research design and was carried out in the South-South zone of Nigeria. The population of
the study was 1,026 secretaries from which 287 secretaries were sampled using the Taro
Yamane formula. The secretaries were categorized into, administrative, personal and
confidential secretaries. The instrument for data collection was developed by the researcher
and titled Questionnaire on Internet Tools Application Competencies for Information
Exchange (QITACLE). The instrument was face validated by three research experts from
University of Uyo, Uyo. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using the Cronbach’s
Alpha test which yielded reliability co-efficient of .89. Out of the 287 copies of questionnaire
distributed 277 were returned with valid data. This gave response rate of 96.51 percent.
Mean statistic was used to answer the research questions and Analysis of Variance used to
test the null hypotheses at .05 alpha level. The study revealed that all the internet tools
application competencies identified by the study are moderately required by secretaries for
information exchange. The study revealed from the hypotheses that skype and whatsapp
competencies are significantly required while facebook are not significantly required for
information administration by secretaries in Federal Universities of South-South Nigeria.
Based on these findings, it was concluded that secretaries require internet tool application
competencies for information exchange in Federal Universities in South-South, Nigeria.
Based on this conclusion, it was recommended among others that University authorities and
management of other organisations should train their secretaries and updates their
knowledge and skills on internet tools application variables for information exchange and
other secretarial functions such as video conferencing.
Key Word: Internet, Variables, Competencies, Tools, Administration and Secretaries
Dr. Nseabasi P. Essien & Dr. Ngozi E. Adizu
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