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Comparative Analysis of Environmental Disclosures in Oil and Gas and Construction Industries in South Africa.
Environmental reporting is an ingredient of sustainable development. However this ingredient
seems to be inadequately recognized in South African business terrains. The aim of this study is
to examine the extent of environmental disclosures in quoted oil and gas and construction
industries in South Africa. A comparative asnalysis of the content of environmental information
provided in the 2005-2009 annual reports of the sample firms was conducted to ascertain the
degree of comprehensiveness of such disclosures and if there exists significant differences
between both industries. Findings indicate that the oil and gas industry provided a better
disclosure level but this difference was not significant. More so, both industries presented very
scanty environmental information in their annual reports which was in agreement with the
arguments of the study. This paper however recommends amongst others that companies
perceive environmental reporting as a moral and corporate duty, and that standard setters draft
a comprehensive framework for reporting environmental concerns.
Keywords: Annual Reports, Content Analysis, Environmental Reporting, Legitimacy,
Sustainable Development
Dr Joseph T. AMBROSE
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