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Characteristics and Management for Solid Waste: Implications for Health
Solid wastes are heterogeneous accumulation of domestic, agricultural, industrial and mineral
materials. It can as well be called “refuseâ€. The composition of solid wastes in probably the
most significant characteristics operating its disposal or recovery of material from waste, and
can vary conscionable from one community to another. For instance, wastes generated in
developing communities contains a large percentage of organic materials, usually three times
higher than that of industrialized countries. Generally composition of waste are of two types:
physical and chemical compositions sources of solid waste are classified as residential
industrial, commercial, institutional, construction and demolition of municipal services
processes and agricultural wastes. Solid waste management involves the collection,
transportation, storage, pre-treatment and disposal of the waste reissue, as well as after-care of
the disposal sites as part of the management activities. The main reason for solid waste
management in to reduce the volume of waste generated and to make hazardous waste non-toxic
by threating before the final disposal in natural system (earth, metro, or air). Government
private agencies and individuals should be involved in waste characteristic at the source. This
approval will go a long way in helping the recovery of reusable materials from domestic waste in
all areas.
KEYWORD: Solid Wastes Management, Industrial and Mineral Materials
Christopher Asukwo UNEH
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