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Principal’s Demographic Variables and Application of ICT in Secondary School Administration as an Empirical attempt to Mitigate Spread of Covid-19 Pandemic in School Environment in Akwa Ibom State
principal’s demographic variables and application of ICT in secondary school administration as an empirical attempt to mitigate spread of covid-19 pandemic in school environment in Akwa Ibom State. The research design used for this study was ex-post facto. The research area for this study was in Akwa Ibom State. The population of this study comprised 213 Principals and 629 Vice- Principals in Secondary Schools in Akwa Ibom State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 535 respondents as the sample size. The main instrument used in this study was a Questionnaire titled “Principals’ Application of ICT Based on Qualification and Teaching Experience in Secondary School Administration (PAICTBQTESSA)â€. Cronbach Alpha statistics used to determine the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.81 and this was high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The statistical technique used for the null hypotheses was One-way analysis of variance at 0.05 alpha levels. From the study, it was reveals and was concluded that there is significant difference in principals’ application of ICT in Secondary School administration based on qualification in attempt to mitigate spread of covid-19 pandemic in school environment in Akwa Ibom State. Also, that there is significant difference in principals’ application of ICT in Secondary School administration based on teaching experience in attempt to mitigate spread of covid-19 pandemic in school environment in Akwa Ibom State. Based on this, it was recommended that only qualified principals should be allowed to run the school administration and Government should see to the training of Qualified Teachers before been sent out to teach, and only qualified teachers should be employed into the schools.
KEYWORDS: Teaching Experience, Principals, Application, ICT, Administration.
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