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Playing Tchaikovsky's 'nutcracker' And Other Music As Determinants Of Kids Brain Improvement
Music serves as an imperative aspect of human life. It is useful to live with joy and wellbeing. Music is very useful to brain development of children. Childhood is all about learning and so the development of the brain and the learning connections within the brain are at the heart of learning for young children. On the basis of this research the importance of music and the brain development of children has been established. In this research article the endeavor is made to juxtapose varied research studies with the subject and tried to derive its implications. Infants are born with a limited amount of neurological wiring. Their vision is rudimentarily wired, as are their hearing and other senses. Nothing is wired in the higher region of the brain, known as the cerebellum. The hardware is in place and ready to wire but requires ‘earthly’ experiences and human interactions for the cells to forge the neurological networks that will become the foundation for thinking and reasoning, language, physical movement, and social and emotional behaviors. During the first three years of life, a child builds an estimated 1,000 trillion synapses through the experiences she encounters. The study concluded that music skills have positive impact on early child education in regards to provoking good ear listening and personal narratives. Hence, music education is believed to deserve the status as an equally significant core subject. One of the recommendations made was that every human being should not underrate any discipline. Parents and care givers should create an enable environment including music for kid brain learning improvement.
KEYWORDS: Music, Brain Improvement, Kids,
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