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Akwa Ibom
State is a culturally diverse state in Nigeria, with various ethnic groups
coexisting within its borders. The major ethnic groups in Akwa Ibom State
include the Ibibio, Annang, Oron, Eket, and Obolo, among others. This study
examine three specific objectives which includes to examine the impact of
ethnic politics on political appointment, infrastructure development and
empowerment programme in Akwa Ibom State which were in line with the Research
Questions and Research hypotheses. The study adopted the Style and
Behavior Theory propounded by John B. Watson, and Constructivism Theory as the
theoretical frameworks. The study adopted the survey research and descriptive
design with a population of 4,000,000,000 having a sample size of 400 using
Taro Yamani as the sampling techniques with primary and secondary sources of
data, while the method of data analysis was Pearson Product Moment Correlation
(PPMC). Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that ethnic
politics has a significant impact on Governance, Ethnic politics has a
significant impact on infrastructure development, and Ethnic politics has a
significant impact with empowerment programme in Akwa Ibom State. The results
of this study demonstrate that ethnicity plays a significant role in shaping
governance and political dynamics in Akwa Ibom State, which has three major
ethnic groups; the Ibibio, Annang, and Oro, ethnicity can influence governance
in several ways. From the result of the findings, it was recommended that
Ethnicity should not be introduce into the politics of the state, That the Akwa
Ibom State government should provide infrastructure to all parts of the state
and finally, that the state government should ensure that empowerment
programmes are distributed equally to all section of the state irrespective of
Keywords: Ethnic
Politics, Governance, Infrastructure, Political Appointment, Infrastructural
Development, Empowerment Programmes
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