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Autism- Intervention Strategies through Learning and Teaching
Most autistic children are perfectly normal in appearance, but spend their time engaged in puzzling and disturbing behaviours which are markedly different from those of typical children. They don’t want to just learn about nature, they want to literally dig in and get their hands dirty. They love being outdoors and have a strong preference for hands-on experiences. The risk of autism as a disability can be decreased on younger children and future pregnancies. There are technologies known as Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) used as assistive devices that can help victims of communication disorder cope up with life. Some autism is treated by teaching the child how to physically produce the sound and having them practice its production until it (hopefully) becomes natural. There’s no cure for autism. But early treatment can make a big difference in development for a child with autism. Intervention strategies through learning and teaching should be adopted for autistic students. Teachers should have enough knowledge about the disability observed by his/her students so as to be able to understand the level of disability in victim students. Knowing the gift and talent of disabled students and also helping them improve in their talent is an important task to be accomplished by the teachers and guidance of these students.
KEYWORDS: Autism, Intervention Strategies, Learning and Teaching
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2630 - 7200
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