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An Assessment Of Some Characteristic Features Of The Minimalist Program And Optimality Theory


It is obvious that the hybrid model may substantially change our views on the properties ascribed

to the generative and filtering device by traditional MP/OT. It is also that one can simplify

current MP by expressing all language-specific statements (including the more recent effect-onoutput

conditions discussed above) by means of language-specific rankings of otherwise

universal violable constraints. It is believed that a formal way of expressing MP and other views

is by assuming that such heads may or may not have an epp-feature. Linguistics are of the

opinion that adding an OT-evaluation to MP can be done in a very ‘minimal’ way, simply by

introducing the idea that the output of the computational system is filtered in an optimalitytheoretic

fashion by means of a language-specific ranking of otherwise universal constraints.

The introduction of such an optimality-theoretic evaluator eliminates the need for many other

devices that are currently used in MP to capture cross-linguistic differences such as languagespecific

filters of the type in (16) and parameter settings. In view of the aforementioned, every

writer should ensure that in their write-up Minimalism rules should be applied where by

elimination of excessive complexity of principles is observed.

KEYWORDS: Minimalist Program, Characteristic, Features, Optimality Theory

Godfrey K. DANIEL, Ph.D
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