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Advertisement as the Determinants of Alcoholic Drink Consumption in Akwa Ibom State
The study investigated the influence of advertisement and alcoholic drink consumption in Akwa
Ibom State. The researcher formulated four objectives to guide the study. From the four
objectives four research questions and four hypotheses were formed for the study. The study
adopted Expost-Facto research design, while the population of this study comprised all
consumers of alcohol in Akwa Ibom State, distributors, family members of the drunk persons,
owners of drinking parlor and medical practitioners, all being 2,003 in number. A simple
random sampling technique was used in selecting 200 respondents for the study. The instrument
for data collection which was tagged “Advertisement and Alcoholic Drink Consumption
Questionnaire†(AADCQ) was administered to the respondents and used for the study. The
instrument was vetted by an expert in test and measurement before the reliability test was
conducted with 30 respondents which produced the reliability coefficient of 0.85, proving the
instrument to be reliable for the study. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive analysis
and Regression Analysis. From the results of the data analysis, many findings were made
including the fact that there is significant effect of advertising on the level of alcoholic drink
consumption in Akwa Ibom State. It was also observed that there is significant influence of the
consumption of alcoholic drink due to advertising on health implication. It was therefore
recommended that since the excessive usage of alcohol is risky to one health, one should be able
to moderate in its intake if there is a reason to take it at all. It was also recommended advertising
of alcohol should be prohibited so that its intake should be based on choice not on persuasions.
Key Word: Advertisement, Alcoholic Drink, Akwa Ibom State.
Christopher Asukwo UNEH
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