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A Strategic Assessment of the Issues and Prospects in the National Health Insurance Administration
The study strategicallyassessed the Issues and Prospects in the National Health Insurance
Administration.The findings made proved that health insurance scheme in Nigeria since its
inception, has to a large extent positively affected the lives of its enrollees and with remarkable
achievementssuch as reduction of the rising cost of health care among participant, leading to
fair distribution of contribution of health, ensuring that socio economical groupings do not
constitute a barrier to somebody to access health care where he wants, and restoration of
confidence in primary and secondary level of health care. It was concluded that health insurance
is a social security mechanism that guarantees the provision of needed health services persons
on the payment of some amount at regular interval. It is mandatory for organization in both the
public and private sectors employing up to ten (10) people to participate in the scheme. It also
concluded that leadership and management of NHIS are provided through the national health
insurance scheme, health maintenance organization (HMOs) and health care providers
(HCPs).One of the recommendation was that more intensive public awareness programmes
should be created to enlighten people and relevant groups on the scheme and that the attribute of
the scheme should be well published by translating it into the major Nigerian languages to
enable the people to understand and appreciate its values and objective.
KEY WORDS: Issues, Prospects, National Health Insurance Administration, Health
Services Providers
Usoro Ekong HARRRISON, Comfort Peter UDOBANG & IdioƱo Ifreke EKPA
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