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This research explored underwater welding training skills for youths’ self-reliance in Akwa Ibom
State. The focus of the study was to determine the wet underwater welding training skills and dry
underwater welding training skills needed by youth in Akwa Ibom State for self-reliance. The
study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was made up of 96
fabrication/welding teachers and 42 underwater welding technicians making the total of 138
staff from both the oil and gas industries and technical colleges in Akwa Ibom State. The sample
size for the study was 69; comprising 48 fabrication/welding teachers and 21 underwater
welding technicians representing 50% which were selected through simple random technique.
Data was collected through the instrument titled Underwater Welding Training Skills for Youth
Self-Reliance Questionnaire (UWTSYSQ). The instrument was validated by three lecturers in the
Faculty of Educations, University of Uyo and was adjudged reliable based on the reliability
index of 0.84 for fabrication and welding teachers and 0.86 for underwater welding technicians.
Mean and independent t-test statistics were used to analyze the data obtained. The findings from
the study reveal that there are no significant differences between the responses of
fabrication/welding teachers in Technical College and underwater welding technicians in Akwa
Ibom State on wet underwater welding skills and dry underwater welding skills. In view of the
findings from this study, recommendations were made among others that the National Board for
Technical Education should develop curriculum that suit the needs of the environment where the
institution is sited. Also, private institutions in Akwa Ibom State should offer courses like
underwater welding since underwater welding is a crucial aspect of oil and gas exploration most
especially when it is explored off-shore.
Ukpong, Paulinus Happy-Day
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