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The study examined entrepreneurship as an option for rural development in Nigeria. The
population of the study consisted of all the populace of Uyo local government area.
Proportional random sampling technique was used to select 252 respondents out of the
population. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was
validated by two experts in evaluation and test measurement. Data from 252 completed
questionnaire forms were subjected to descriptive analysis. The findings showed that
entrepreneurship option has much effect on rural development in rural area with reference to
employment creation and economic activities. Recommendation was that the government should
establish more entrepreneurial training and workshop programs that would serve as a guide for
the populace in the acquisition of entrepreneurial skill in other to facilitate and fast-track rural
development and their self-employability. The study suggested that Nigerian Government
should try as much as possible to ensure that there is positive development in all the tiers of
government and it should be seen in all sectors of the economy.
Idongesit Udofia
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