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The Level Of Influence Of School Location And Job Satisfaction On Music Teachers’ And Their Students Performance In Music In South-south Niger
This study examines the level of influence of school location and job satisfaction on music teachers’ and their students’ performance in music in south-south Nigeria The study adopted a descriptive design method. This study was undertaken in the South-South geopolitical zone. The population of the study consisted of all the music teachers in public post primary schools in the four states in South-South Nigeria. The sampling technique was used in selecting 150 music teachers from Urban and Rural settings in the four states in South-South Nigeria. The main instrument for the study was a questionnaire titled “School Location and Job Satisfaction on Music Teachers’ and Their Students Performance in Music Questionnaire (SLJSMTSPMQ)â€. Reliability of the instrument deals with the extent to which the result accruing from an instrument is stable and consistent. The researcher conducted the administration of the questionnaire to all the 150 music teachers selected for the study. Data gathered in the study through the use of questionnaire (SLJSMTSPMQ), was analysed with inferential statistics. From the research findings, the following conclusions was deemed necessary: Music teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in South-South Nigeria have not been motivated enough for high performance to be achieved job satisfaction; motivation of music teachers has immense contributions to the level of their students’ performance in music in South-South Nigeria; The study concluded that there are remarkable effect on the level of job satisfaction of music teachers and Junior Secondary School students’ performance in music in South-South Nigeria. There is significant effect of school location on music teachers’ job satisfaction and Junior Secondary School students’ performance in music in South-South Nigeria. One of the recommendation was that government should create funds to establish good working environment to enable schools provide the necessary incentives such as professional allowances for music teachers and also provision of working equipment, such as musical instruments and books to increase job satisfaction.
KEYWORDS: School Location, Job Satisfaction, Music Teachers’, Students, Performance, Music, South-South and Nigeria
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