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Social Media And Agricultural Extension In India
It is a fact that the introduction of social media and web 2.0 applications has opened up a platform that agricultural extension officer’s, farmers, agricultural institutions and non- governmental institutions utilize to disseminate and exchange agricultural information. The objective of the study was to assess the use of social media as a source of agricultural information with reference to farmers in India. The study adopted a descriptive survey and the major data collection tools were interviews from farmers who use social media platforms. The study purposively sampled farmers in India and data was analyzed both descriptively. From the analysis, it is evident that there is immense need for agricultural information among farmers in India. The study reveals that farmers in India have diverse source of agricultural information for example the internet, social media and extension services. Majority of farmers approach the use of social media in agricultural information seeking with a positive attitude, pointing to the assumption that social media is largely beneficial and convenient as a source of agricultural information. Among the most common challenges faced include poor network access, power outages, and costly charges when accessing the internet. One of the recommendations was that adequate information centers can be established in India whereby farmers can obtain agricultural information online and that social media should be fully utilized to provide; feedback, complement extension programs, access local and international markets and complement communication campaigns whose goal is to bring about agricultural development.
KEYWORDS: Social Media, Extension, Information, Agriculture, Farmer and India
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- Social Media And Agricultural Extension In India
2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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