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The Impact Of Advertisement On Sustainable Development
The tenets of advertisements are hinged upon legality, honesty, decency and truthfulness rather than falsehood and exploitation. In spite of these tenets, unscrupulous advertising practitioners continue to project advertisements that promote social vices, unhealthy consumption patterns, and make false unsubstantiated claims. Irresponsible advertisements create artificial wants which may encourage communities of persons seeking to rise from poverty to a reasonable standard of living, to neglect their real needs thereby exacerbating socio-economic problems and causing harm to the person and ultimately truncating the achievement of SDG 12. This paper examines the impact of advertisement on sustainable development. The justification of this research finds space in the achievement of sustainable development goals, as such, discussions on sustainable development goals are contained in this chapter. This research dovetails into an examination of the advertisement of specific consumer goods on consumers. This paper recommended that governments should promote the development and implementation of policies for sustainable consumption and the integration of those policies with other public policies.
KEYWORDS: Consumer, Advertisement Sustainable Development Goals and
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