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The Challenges Of Psychomotor Assessment In Industrial Technology Education: Nigeria In Perspective
Nigeria society today needs a pragmatic, dynamic and
functional Industrial Technology Education which will equip individual with
saleable and marketable skills for employment. Thus Industrial Technology
Education (ITE) enhances the development of requisite skills for jobs which
reduces unemployment to the bearest level. This can be well achieved if the
tool used to assess the learning outcome is in line with the learning
objective. Psychomotor assessment is one of the tool used in Industrial
Technology Education to find out how much skill imparted to the student have
been achieved. Hence psychomotor assessment is the process of obtaining
information that is used in taking decision about students, to give feedback to
student about his progress, strengths and weakness and to judge instructional
effectiveness as it concern skill acquisition. Psychomotor assessment in
Industrial Technology in Nigeria is faced with many challenges which include
lack of fund, inadequate qualified teachers, lack of student’s interest to
study ITE courses, poor planning/policy and poor recording keeping. The paper
concluded by recommending that the government should allocate more money in ITE
in Nigeria as the money will be use to employed qualified teachers, pay staff,
build classroom/workshop.  Â
KEYWORDS: Psychomotor, assessment, education,
industrial technology education
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