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Systematicity In A Scientific Research: A Leading Way To Realization Of Dependable Research Findings Through A Systematic Review
The study assessed systematicity in a scientific research as leading way to realization of dependable research findings through a systematic review. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and the study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State using the public tertiary institutions in the state (University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State University, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Akwa Ibom State College of Education Afaha Nsit, and Akwa Ibom State College of Science and Technology). The population of the study comprised post graduate students in the two universities and academic staff from the five institutions. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 80 post graduate students from University of Uyo, 40 post graduate students from Akwa Ibom State University, and 30 academic staff from each of the 5 institutions, giving a total of 270 respondents for the study. The Instrument titled “SYSTEMATICITY IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND REALISATION OF DEPENDABLE RESEARCH FINDINGS QUESTIONNAIRE (SSRRDRFQ)†was used for the study. Face validation of the instrument was carried out by research experts in business administration while Cronbach Alpha technique was used to determine the level of reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.92 which was proved high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The researcher subjected the data generated for this study to percentage analysis used to answer the research questions and simple regression analysis for testing the hypothesis. The test for significance was done at 0.05 alpha level. The result also proved that there is significant influence of adoption of systematic review in research on the realization of dependable findings. The study concluded that the goal of systematic review is to identify the most efficient means of generating consistent and optimum results. Promotes a better quality of work results and a high level of productivity. One of the recommendations was that educational institutions should consider which aspects of the systematic review methodology might profitably be incorporated into guidelines for undergraduates or postgraduates conducting literature surveys, and under what circumstances the full approach might be adopted.
KEYWORDS: Systematicity in Research, Academic Staff, Post Graduate Students, Tertiary Institutions and Akwa Ibom State
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