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Principals Effectiveness for Quality Assurance and Perceived Quality of Secondary School Students in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
The study determined the relationship between principals’ effectiveness for quality assurance
and perceived service quality of secondary school students in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The
study formulated two specific objectives, two research questions and two null hypotheses for
the research direction. It adopted a correlational research design. The target population was
56,587 secondary school II students. The stratified sampling technique was used to select
subjects from 6 schools in the three senatorial districts of the State. The instrument developed
by the researcher, titled “School Principals’ Effectiveness for Quality Assurance (SPPQA)
and Students’ Perceived Service Quality Scale (SPSQS), with reliability coefficients between
0.88 and 0.91 on Cronbach’s Alpha was used for data collection. The Taro Yamen’s formula
was employed to determine the sample of 397 respondents, randomly selected from the
population, while 393 were suitable for data analyses. The data collected were subjected to
Regression statistics, which the r-value was used to answer the research questions and fvalue
was used to test the null hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The results indicated
very high negative significant relationships between predictors (quality collaborations and
relationship skills of school principals) and perceived service quality of secondary school
students (criterion) in the study area. The study concluded among others that Principals
should adhere to quality collaborations and relationship skills with teachers and other
schools members in order to attain quality assurance to ensure that the perceived service
quality of students is realised. It was recommended that government should enforce on the
principals to employ quality collaboration and relationship skills as administrative strategy
for effective learning atmosphere towards achieving quality assurance in education and
students’ satisfaction.
Key words: principals’ effectiveness, quality assurance, collaborations, relationship
skills, students’ perceived service quality
Usen Godwin IKPE, PhD
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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