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Lecture Capture Technology And Glaser’s Model As Correlates Of Students’ Achievement In Cca In Upper Basic Education
The effects of lecture capture technology teaching method and Glaser’s model was investigated among students of CCA in Upper Basic Education. The quasi-experimental research design, which involves intact groups, pre-test, treatments, post-test, and non-randomization, was adopted for this study. The population of this study comprises all the 32,763 Junior Secondary School (JSS1 to JSS3) students in all the 285 Public Secondary Schools in Imo State. The sample size for the study is 88 Cultural and Creative Art students in Upper Basic School two students sampled using a multi-stage cluster, purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The two instruments used for this study were researcher-made Multiple-choice Cultural and Creative Art achievement tests for Pre-test and Post-test. The first instrument is a multiple-choice Cultural and Creative Art Achievement test for pre-test (CCAAT-PRE). The second instrument is also multiple-choice Cultural and Creative Art Achievement test for post-test and follow-up, (CCAAT-POST). The CCAAT-PRE and CCAAT-POST were given to one experienced Cultural and Creative Art, (CCA) teacher, two Educational Technologists and two specialists in measurement and evaluation for content and face validation. Internal consistency coefficients of 0.774 and 0.784 were obtained for CCAAT-PRE and CCAAT-POST respectively using Kuder-Richardson formula twenty, (KR20). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to answer the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that there is significant difference between the mean achievement scores of the students taught Cultural and Creative Art using lecture and Glaser’s teaching methods in the post-treatment level. It also revealed that the mean achievement scores of male and female students taught CCA using lecture capture and Glaser’s teaching methods is not significantly different. The recommends that lecture capture teaching method be integrated into the Upper Basic Education as a method for teaching CCA.
KEYWORDS: Lecture Capture Technology, Glaser’s Model, Students’ Achievement and Upper Basic Education
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