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Knowledge And Practice Of Oral Health Care Among Pregnant Women In Etinan Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State
This study examined the level of knowledge and practice of oral health care among pregnant women in Etinan Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State. To guide the study five specific objectives and corresponding research questions were developed. Two research hypotheses were postulated and tested. The study was conducted using cross sectional survey design. Stratified random sampling technique was employed to draw a sample of 244 pregnant women during Antenatal clinic. The instrument for data collection tagged “Knowledge and Practice of Oral Health Care Among Pregnant Women Questionnaire†(KPOHCAPWQ) was validated by independent assessors from department of Educational Foundation, University of Uyo and College of Health Technology, Etinan. The reliability index for the instrument was determine using Cronbach’s Alpha Method and- a value of .82 was obtained. Research questions were answered using weighted mean scores, standard deviation and rank orders, while the null hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at .05 level of significance and at appropriate degree of freedom. The results from findings showed high level of knowledge and practice of oral health care among pregnant women in Etinan. Consequently, it was recommended among others that regular and free conduct of oral health care seminar for both educated and uneducated pregnant women be commenced. Additionally, oral health care maintenance should be reinforced by limiting sugary foods and drinks intake and use of fluoridated toothpaste twice a day for brushing of the mouth (teeth).
KEYWORDS: knowledge, practice, oral health care, pregnant women
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