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Jurisprudence and Ethical Issues in Health Promotion: A Critical Assessment of Nursing Practices
The study examined the jurisprudence and ethical issues in health promotion with respect to
nursing. The study centered on the laws and ethics governing the profession of nursing. Nurses
are responsible to provide their clients/patients with the high-quality care. They are undoubtedly
confronted with various ethical challenges in their professional practice, so they should be
familiar with ethical codes of conduct and the essentials of ethical decision making. Nursing
jurisprudence is a fundamental guidance for nursing as many other professions. Law and ethics
affect nursing by defining nursing roles and determining the scope of nursing practice to prevent
misunderstandings and inappropriate relationships. Violations of professional boundaries may
result in loss of employment and licensure and civil action, depending on the severity of
violation. In summary, the Nursing code of ethics addresses the primary goals and values of
nursing. It was recommended that Nurses and other health practitioners should observe ethical
principles and/or codes to help promote the quality of service provided and rendered and to help
coordinate them.
KEYWORDS: Jurisprudence, Ethical Issues, Health Promotion, Nursing Practices
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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