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Guiding Principles As Correlates Of The Responsibilities Of Electoral Management Board (e.m.b)
This study assessed the guiding principles as correlates of the responsibilities of electoral management board (E.M.B). This principle is being performed by the electoral management board (E.M.B). The guiding principles include independence, impartiality, integrity, transparency, efficiency, professionalism and service-mindedness. The study concluded that EMBs have behavioural and access responsibilities to the communities they serve, which may extend beyond the minimum requirements of the electoral legal framework. These include promoting gender balance within the EMB itself and political life more broadly, dealing fairly with issues of ethnicity, promoting equality and equity in electoral contests, providing equality of access to electoral services for all and especially for marginalized members of society, and recognizing customary practices where these are in harmony with electoral management principles. Elections are complex and specialized processes that are most effectively managed by a body with specific electoral management responsibilities. One of the recommendation made was that the electoral legal framework and EMB policies can help guard against inappropriate behaviour by EMBs by requiring members and staff to avoid conflicts of interest.
KEYWORDS: Guiding, Principles, Responsibilities, and Electoral Management Board
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2630 - 7200
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