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Gender And Years Of Experience As Correlates Of Music Teachers’ Job Satisfaction And Students’ Performance In Music In South-south Nigeria
The study examined gender and years of experience as correlates of music teachers’ job satisfaction and their students’ performance in music in South-South Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive design method. This study was undertaken in the South-South geopolitical zone. The population of the study consisted of all the music teachers in public post primary schools in the four states in South-South Nigeria. The sampling technique was used in selecting 150 music teachers from Urban and Rural settings in the four states in South-South Nigeria. The main instrument for the study was a questionnaire titled “Gender and Years of Experience Among Music Teachers’ and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (GYEAMTJSQ)â€. Reliability of the instrument deals with the extent to which the result accruing from an instrument is stable and consistent. The researcher conducted the administration of the questionnaire to all the 150 music teachers selected for the study. Data gathered in the study through the use of questionnaire (GYEAMTJSQ), was analysed with inferential statistics. The study concluded that gender is hierarchical and produces inequalities that intersect with other social and economic inequalities. It was also observed that with years of experience, teachers develop a better understanding of classroom management, which enables them to anticipate issues and to adapt their management practices accordingly. More so, compared to beginning teachers, experienced teachers tend to be less hesitant and more flexible and adaptable. In addition, if the teachers attain adequate job satisfaction they will be in position to fulfill the educational objectives and national goals. Furthermore, satisfied teachers offer higher instructional quality and better learning support for their students. Finally, contented teachers demonstrate stronger job commitment and are less prone to leave the profession which is especially crucial in times when teacher turnover is high. One of the recommendations made was that in order to promote productivity of music teachers they need to be encouraged by all means to record high level of job satisfaction.
KEYWORD: Gender, Experience, Music Teachers’, Job Satisfaction, Students’, Performance, Music, South-South and Nigeria
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2630 - 7200
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