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Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills Using ICT among Business Studies Students in Akwa Ibom State Secondary Schools
The study was carried out to investigate ways of enhancing entrepreneurial skills using ICT among secondary school students in Akwa Ibom State. The population of the study comprised all business studies students in Akwa Ibom State Secondary schools. The study adopted a correlational survey design, while multi-stage sampling technique was used to select a sample size of four hundred (400) students as respondents. The study made use of two instruments for data collection tagged “Information and Communication Technology Questionnaire†(ICTQ) and “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills Questionnaire†(EESQ) which were administered to the respondents. Data collected was analysed using simple regression analysis. The result showed that there is significant influence of ICT on enhancing entrepreneurial skills among secondary school students. It also showed that there a significant influence of ICT on creation of employment opportunities for secondary school students in Akwa Ibom State. Based on the findings, one of the recommendations was
Dr. Commy Precious GODDYMKPA & UMOUDO, Bassey Iniobong
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