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Documentation of Family Records in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
This study investigated documentation of family records in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The
project is a collaboration of researchers in the University of Uyo Library, Uyo, Akwa Ibom
State, Nigeria. It was carried out to study different family records as represented among Afaha
Oku indigenes that are typical to that family which should be treasured and documented for
posterity. Three specific objectives were formulated to guide the study. Convenience sampling
technique was used in selecting Afaha Oku village out of the 14 villages in Oku district, Uyo
local government area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria where the researchers are based while a
census sampling technique was used in selecting all the families from Afaha Oku village. The
study employed the use of questionnaire in eliciting information. Verbal communication and
oral interview were employed to elicit information from the less literate members of the family. A
checklist was also used to determine the availability or otherwise of some objects such as ancient
buildings, cloths, photographs and biographies. Descriptive statistics such as simple percentages
and bar charts were used for data analysis. In conclusion, the researchers agreed that most
families do not keep records and that the available records in few families that keep records
centered on Medical information, Occupational Information; Social Information; Land and
Property; Religion; and Technological development. Finally, it was concluded also that there is
influence of historical records on the evolution of science and technology. One of the
recommendations was that the Government of Akwa Ibom State should take up the study as a
state project to educate the Akwa Ibom Populace on the importance of family record keeping.
Key Words: Family records, Afaha Oku village, Preservation, Historical records, Evolution
of science, Technology
PROF. Felicia Eduwem ETIM, UDOH, Uduakobong Oscar Ph.D UMOH, Mbuotidem Odudu, Ph.D & EYO, Edidiong Ime
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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