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The world has become a global village with people from diverse cultural backgrounds living and working together. Due to globalisation, many companies now operate in more than one country of the world. This crossing of geographical boundaries by the companies has created a situation for people from diverse cultural and social orientations to have cause to relocate from either their places of birth or origin to other places and require sustaining their continuous stay in such environments.  This is only possible through either creating employment or getting employed. Where they are lucky to get employed, they not only have to work with employees from different social and cultural orientations, but under principals and employers from different backgrounds. The aim of this paper is to examine cultural pluralism side by side with the right to employment of the global citizen, carry out a comparative analysis of multicultural societies in their applications of this right, and make recommendations that the global citizen in employment or job seekers should enjoy legal protection whenever it is crystal clear that one has been discriminated against, especially when national origin, sex, age, gender-related factors, religion, and disability are used as parameters as against requirements based on merit.

Keywords: cultural pluralism, human rights, employment right, diversity, religion

Samuel Akpadiagha Etuk, B.A. Hons)
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