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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): The Impact on Entrepreneur’s Businesses in Uyo Metropolis
COVID-19 is caused by a contagious newly identified virus, and can have an enormous public
health impact with substantial fatal outcomes in high-risk groups and economic and societal
disruption. Therefore, it is important that measures that are appropriate and proportionate to
each phase of the epidemic are immediately put in place to interrupt human-to-human
transmission chains, prevent further spread, reduce the intensity of the epidemic and slow down
the increase in cases. Hit by the Covid-19 slump, followed by social distancing and a nationwide
lockdown, businesses are experiencing major impacts no matter how established they are and
are having to re-look at how they manage and operate their business including re-visitation of
their business plan, to suit daily activities which are confined to online platforms. The study
therefore sought to assess the impact of Covid-19 on entrepreneurs’ businesses in Akwa Ibom
State. The study made use of The Expost-facto survey design. The population of the study
consisted of all entrepreneurs’ businesses in Akwa Ibom State. 30 respondents were obtained as
the sample size through a stratified systematic sampling technique. The instrument used for data
collection was an interview schedule titled ―“CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID 19)
reliability was tested using Cronbach reliability test at 0.86 coefficient. The data obtained was
analyzed using the descriptive statistics for the research questions and simple regression for
hypothesis. The result was tested for significance at 0.05 alpha level. The study concluded that
the presence of covid-19 has been identified in Akwa Ibom State and there is significant
influence of covid-19 lockdown effects on entrepreneur’s businesses in Akwa Ibom State. One of
the recommendations made was that during this lockdown period, entrepreneurs must strive to
move with the trend by adopting the use of online platforms such as online banking transactions,
online discount to customers, online after-sales services to still render services to customers.
KEY WORDS: Covid-19, pandemic, lockdown, entrepreneur’s businesses.
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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