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Assessment of Knowledge-Sharing and Entrepreneurial Networking as Correlates of Quality in Management of Ventures in Tertiary Institutions in Imo State
Entrepreneurial networking involves all the connections and relationship that organization or persons have with other people. It is a system of personal relationships, based on trust, and entered into for the purpose of enhancing one’s competitive advantage. The totality of technical skills needed in the effective management of ventures lie in networking. Entrepreneurial networking is a significant factor in the success of new entrepreneurship ventures. Therefore, the study sought to examine the knowledge-sharing and entrepreneurial networking and the quality in management ventures. An Expost-facto research design was used for the study, with population comprising of all heads of departments (HODs) who are involved in leadership and management of entrepreneurial ventures. Purposive sampling technique was used to draw 15% of population of HODs. To determine the reliability of the instrument, knowledge-sharing and the quality in management venture Questionnaire (KQMVQ) and the Entrepreneurial networking and the quality in management venture Questionnaire (ENQMVQ) was administered once to thirty respondents who were not part of the sample, but belonged to the population of the study. The study revealed that there is significant relationship between knowledge-sharing and quality management of ventures also, there is significant relationship between entrepreneurial networking and quality management of ventures in tertiary institutions in Imo State. It was therefore recommended that for a business venture to be successful, the entrepreneur should reach out to other partners/competitors to share information and to get aids needed for the standing of the business.
KEYWORDS: Knowledge-Sharing, Entrepreneurial, Networking, Quality, Management Ventures
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- Assessment of Knowledge-Sharing and Entrepreneurial Networking as Correlates of Quality in Management of Ventures in Tertiary Institutions in Imo State
2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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