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Auditors Experience And Training As Correlates Of Detection And Prevention Of Fraud In The Nigerian Commercial Banks
The study sought to examine the auditors experience and training as correlates of detection and prevention of fraud in the Nigerian commercial banks. The study was conducted in Nigeria. The population of the study comprised all auditors in Nigeria. Correlational survey was adopted for the study. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 120 auditors which constituted the respondents used for the study. The instrument titled “Auditors Experience and training for Detection and Prevention of Fraud Questionnaire (AETDPFQ)†was used for data collection. Face and content validation of the instrument was carried out by an expert to ensure that the instrument has the accuracy appropriateness completeness and the language under consideration. Cronbach Alpha technique was used to determine the level of reliability of instrument. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.84 and this was high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The research subjected the data generated for this study to appropriate statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics and simple regression. Test for significant was done at 0.05 alpha level. Based on the study, it was concluded that detection and prevention of fraud is part of social construction which evolves over time and an auditor must have knowledge about general auditing, functional area, computer auditing, accounting issues, industry specifics, general world, general knowledge, and problem solving knowledge. One of the recommendations made was that government and private institutions should conduct regular audits, using experienced and well trained auditors, as it will help them to easily detect fraud, generate more confidence and promote accountability within the staffs, customers and the organization itself.
KEYWORDS: Auditor, Experience, Training, Fraud Detection and Prevention, Commercial Banks, and Nigeria
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