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The center point of this paper was to
assess the relationship between motivation and job performance of teachers in
technical schools in Akwa Ibom State. A correlational research design was
adopted for the study. The study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State. The
population of the study comprised all teachers in technical schools. A simple
random sampling technique was used to sample 150 technical school teachers in Akwa
Ibom State, which comprised the sample size used for the study. The instrument
used in this study for data collection was a questionnaire titled
"Motivation and Teachers’ Job Performance Questionnaire (MTJPQ)." Face
and content validation of the instrument was carried out by an expert in test,
measurement, and evaluation to ensure that the instrument had the accuracy,
appropriateness, and completeness for the study under consideration. The
reliability coefficient obtained was 0.80, and this was high enough to justify
the use of the instrument. The researcher subjected the data generated for this
study to appropriate statistical technique such as Pearson Product Moment
Correlation analysis. The test for significance was done at 0.05 alpha levels.
It was established in this paper that teacher motivation plays an important
role in the promotion of teaching and learning excellence. Generally, motivated
teachers are more likely to motivate students to learn in the classroom, to
ensure the implementation of educational reforms and feelings of satisfaction
and fulfillment. Teacher motivation is very important because it improves the
skills and knowledge of teachers and it directly influences the students'
achievement. Based on the findings of the study, the study concluded that
prompt payment of salaries, regular promotion, and training significantly
influence job performance of technical school teachers in Akwa Ibom State. One
of the recommendations made was that in order for teachers to perform well in
their teaching activities, they need to undergo training in the form of
in-service training with pay since teachers’ training is one of the most
effective motivational variables, which is the gateway to teachers’ positive performance.
Motivation, Teachers, Job performance,
Technical Schools & Akwa Ibom State
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