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Assessment Of Gender As The Determinant Of Motivation Of Music Teachers And Junior Secondary School Students’ Achievement In Music In South-south Nigeria
This study was to assess the level of motivation and
influence of gender on music teachers in secondary schools in south-south
Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive design method. This study was
undertaken in the South-South geopolitical zone. The population of the study
consisted of all the music teachers in public post primary schools in the four
states in South-South Nigeria. The sampling technique was used in selecting 150
music teachers from Urban and Rural settings in the four states in South-South
Nigeria. The main instrument for the study was a questionnaire titled “The
Level of Motivation and Influence of Gender on Music Teachers in Secondary
Schools Questionnaire (LMIGMTSSQ)â€. Reliability of the instrument deals with
the extent to which the result accruing from an instrument is stable and consistent.
The researcher conducted the administration of the questionnaire to all the 150
music teachers selected for the study. Data gathered in the study through the
use of questionnaire (LMIGMTSSQ), was analyzed with inferential statistics. The
study concluded that music teachers in Junior Secondary Schools in South-South
Nigeria have not been motivated enough for high performance to be achieved;
motivation of music teachers has immense contributions to the level of their
students’ performance in music in South-South Nigeria; gender of music teachers
has significant influence on the level of their motivation and Junior Secondary
School students’ performance in music in South-South Nigeria. While the study
recommend that music teachers should be motivated regularly in different forms
like study leave, career development, regular promotion, regular payment of
salary, excess work load allowance and access to loans and accountability. With
these motivational factors music teachers will perform immensely well such that
the performance of students in music and other wise will be affected
KEYWORD: Motivation, Gender, Music, Teachers
South-South and Nigeria
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