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Appraisal Of The Extent To Which Workers’ Participation In Managerial Decisions Affects The Corporate Productivity Of System Metal Industries
The study sought to appraise the extent to which workers’ participation in managerial decisions affect the corporate productivity of System Metal Industries. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study was conducted in Calabar. The population of the study comprised of all the staff of System Metal Industries Limited, Calabar. They are four hundred and twenty-seven (427) according to the nominal roll of the company. The sample size of the study was determined from the population through the use of the Taro Yamen’s formula. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 207 respondents that constituted the sample size used for the study. This means that every 2nd name on the nominal roll was picked as respondent. The questionnaire was first subjected to a pilot study with thirty (30) respondents using test and re-test method within a gap of two weeks between the two test administrations. The test scores were collated and subjected to Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis using SPSS. The result yielded Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.75. The instrument was therefore, accepted to be reliable in producing accurate results. The result yielded Cronbach Alpha coefficient of 0.75. The instrument was therefore, accepted to be reliable in producing accurate results. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used in testing the various research hypotheses to ascertain the relationship that exist between the identified variables. The study concluded that there is significant relationship between employees’ participation in managerial decision and high performance of the employees. One of the recommendations made was that employees should show high level of commitment to the service in order to attract the management attention and promotion.
KEYWORDS: Workers, Participation, Managerial Decisions, Corporate Productivity, System Metal Industries and Calabar
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