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A Critical Assessment of Gospel Miracles and the Laws of Nature
The clamor for miracles in virtually all situations in life is an everyday phenomenon in contemporary Nigerian society, which is perpetuated by the numerous miracle claims by religious ministers. These multiple miracle claims among adherents of different religious confessions have raised the question of the possibility of an authentic miracle. Gospel miracle is a divine operation that transcends what is normally perceived as natural law; it cannot be explained upon any natural basis. On the other hand, the laws of nature bring all elements of the universe to harmony, anything that brings suffering, anguish, pain illness, happens because we are going against the laws of nature, and that is how we are going to recognize them. What relationship exists between gospel miracles and the laws of nature? According to Hume, a miracle may be accurately defined as a transgression of a law of nature by a particular volition of the Deity, or by the interposition of some invisible agent. On the contrary, Francis Beckwith defines miracle as “a divine intervention (by God)â€. The study therefore seeks to critically examine the reconciliation of gospel miracles and the laws of nature.
KEYWORDS: Gospel miracles, Laws, Nature
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