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A Critical Analysis Of The Legal Framework For Primary Education In Nigeria
The study investigates the Impact of Concept Mapping on Academic Performance of males and females among Secondary School Physics Students in katsina State, Nigeria. A total of 91 students from a public secondary school in Katsina education zone was purposively selected from a population of 3,968 science students, using simple random sampling technique. This study adopted pre-test and post-test quasi- experimental research designs. Two groups were formed: The Males and Females group. The two group students were taught Motion concept using Concept Mapping strategy. The instrument used for data collection was Motion Concept Performance Test (MCPT). The instrument was validated by both Physics teachers and lecturers in science education department. The reliability coefficient of MCPT was 0.79. Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient statistics was used to determine the reliability coefficient of MCPT, Based on the objective, this study was guided by a research question and answered using descriptive statistics. The null hypothesis stated was tested at 0.05 level of significance using statistical tool t-test statistics. The results obtained from data analysis show that there is no significance difference in the academic performance of male and female students exposed to concept mapping teaching strategy in motion concepts. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended among others that Concept Mapping Strategy was found to be gender friendly since both gender showed improving Academic Performance as a result Teachers should be encouraged to use Concept Mapping instructional strategy in teaching Physics through adequate and frequent supervision as well as reward by the ministry of education.
KEYWORDS: Concept Mapping, Academic Performance, Gender, Secondary School, Physics Students, Katsina State, Nigeria
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