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Utilization Of Available Information And Communication Technology (ict) As A Correlate Of Principals’ Management And Administrative Effectiveness In Public Secondary Schools In Ikot Ekpene Education Zone, Akwa Ibom State
The purpose of this study is to assess the
utilization of available information and communication technology (ICT) as a
correlate of principals’ management and administrative effectiveness in public
secondary schools in Ikot Ekpene Education Zone, Akwa Ibom State. The study was
carried out in Ikot Ekpene Education Zone, Akwa Ibom State. The Ikot Ekpene
Education Zone is made up of nine Local Government Areas, namely: Oruk Anam,
Ikot Ekpene, Obot Akara, Ukanafun, Ikono, Etim Ekpo, Essien Udim, Ini and Abak.
Correlation research design was used for the study. This design was considered
appropriate for this research as it will investigate the already existing
relationship between the independent variable (school conflicts) and the
dependent variable (effective resolution strategy). The population of the study
comprises all the 86 principals and 2008 teachers in public secondary schools
in Ikot Ekpene Education Zone, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling
technique was used to sample 69 principals and 602 teachers serving in public
secondary schools in Ikot Ekpene, which constituted the sample size used for
the study. The instrument used for data collection was a researcher-developed
questionnaire titled "ICT Availability and Utilization Questionnaire
(ICTAUQ)" for principals while "Principals’ Administrative
Effectiveness Questionnaire (PAEQ)" was developed for teachers. The
instruments (ICTAUQ and PAEQ) used for the research were made to pass through
face and content validation using experts in test, measurement and evaluation
Instrument reliability was tested using the Cronbach reliability test at 0.78
coefficients. Pearson was used to answer the research questions, while linear
regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis at a 0.05 level of
significance. Based on the findings of this study, it was concluded that the
utilization of the available ICT predicted 58% of the principals’ data
management effectiveness. Also, the test of significance, affirmed that the
utilization of the available ICT significantly correlates with the principals’
data management effectiveness. One of the recommendations made in the study was
that the school principals should be given in-service training on effective
ways of using ICT for computation of results.
KEYWORDS:          Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Principals’
Management, Administrative Effectiveness, Ikot Ekpene Education Zone
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