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Raphia Palm has been known in many African Countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Côte
d’Ivoire, Senegal, Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Tanzania, Rwanda,
Burundi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Republic of Zaire. Some
species can also be found in Central/ North and South American countries like Costa Rica,
Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. Its genetic name derives from the Greek
Raphis because of its needles and sting from its pointed fruits. They are mostly found along
Africa’s western coast, over woody marshlands or along river banks. The fermented Palm
wine obtained from the raphia is used for the distillation of local gin used in many African
traditional festivals and ceremonies like marriages, coronations, dedications, social
gatherings and even for pouring libation by traditional rulers and traditionalists. The raphia
leaves are used for the manufacture of raffia products such as shoes, bags, mats, hats and
wrappers. Also, the piassava, the coarse, stiff, brown fibre obtained from the leaf-sheaths is
used for rope making, construction of thatched buildings, production of local gun powder,
making of brushes and fish traps. Infact, almost all parts of the raphia palm; the roots, the
trunks, the leaves, the inflorescence and the fruits are of economic value.Despite the varied
economic uses of the raphia palm and the expansion of its cultivation, not much has been
documented on it in terms of its uses in the theatre. This paper seeks to discuss the use of
raffia fronds, which is the upper cuticle of a young raphia leaflet, in creating, developing and
designing costumes for theatre performance. The paper will however discuss other economic
importance of raphia, raffia production, and raffia weaving in Akwa Ibom State, and the use
of raffia as costumes.
KEYWORDS: Raffia Production, Akwa Ibom State, Raffia, Costume, Theatre
Mrs. Ekaette Brain Edem
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