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The Sequence Of Igbo Folktale As A Revelation Of The Igbo Philosophy Of Life
Folktale, a form of folklore, a verbal art is a
traditional, unofficial, non-institutional part of culture encompassing all
knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes, assumptions, feeling and beliefs
of a particular race transmitted in traditional forms by word of mouth. This
unique cultural practice encoded in speech form is used to communicate meaning
to the younger generation. Unfortunately, this genre is undergoing stage of
transition due to the influence of the western culture, thus causing a neglect
of the ethos therein. It is on this basis that this study sets to establish the
relevance of folktale in unraveling the philosophy of the life of the Igbos, a
race resident in South-East Nigeria. To realize this objective, a descriptive survey
research design which uses random sampling technique is used. To this end, two
tales namely Ọjaadịlị and Ọmalịnze are selected for the analysis. The study
also draws insight from the structural analytic approach of Vladimir Proop in
the analysis of the tales. The results of the study reveal that the Igbo’s do
not believe in folding their arms and waiting for manna to fall from heaven.
Hence, they are highly industrious, insatiable in their quest for wealth,
lavishes encomiums to whom that deserves it and above all sees the constant
need for the restoration of dignity of man, hence their common adage “Ezi aha
ka ego (good name is better than wealth)â€. The study recommends among other
things the teaching of indigenous literature and culture in schools as this
offers a practical acquaintance with the indigenous language and culture and as
well helps to unravel the richness and beauty of our cultural heritage.
KEYWORDS: Igbo Folktale and Igbo Philosophy of Life
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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