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The Roles Of Music In The Classroom And Children's Brain Development



This study was to assess the roles of music in the classroom and children's brain development. Playing music in the classroom can lead to a sense of academic achievement or performance as well as an increase in self-esteem and brain development. Playing soft and cold music can have increased confidence, persistence in overcoming frustration when learning is difficult and self-discipline. Listening to music in the classroom is very beneficial because it results to personal satisfaction and positive change in brain. Music plays unique and vital roles in the classroom when it talks about the general development of children brain. The study concluded that many teachers are always nervous for including music in their classrooms because they presume they need musical training to use music as a teaching tool to develop the children brain. There are multiple ways to implement music in the classroom that don’t require any training. Some teachers have knowledge about the value and importance of music to the growth and development of children brain. The study has narrated how music contributes to children’s learning, leisure, social skills, emotional development, motivation, physical development, and brain development. Music is used for general education and not for music education in particular. It is however very significant for the school through teachers to also teach music as a complete curriculum area. One of the recommendation made was that specialist music teachers should be cooperating with primary school teachers to implement the music curriculum content in the classroom.

KEYWORDS: Music, Classroom, Children's Brain and Development

Francis Reign WILLIAM, Ph.D
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