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The Prospects Of Adaptive Coping Strategies In The Wellbeing Of Patients In Akwa Ibom State Public Hospitals
This study was to assess the prospects of adaptive
coping strategies in the wellbeing of patients in Akwa Ibom State public
hospital. A quasi-descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The
study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State. The population of the study comprised
all patients currently in public hospitals. Stratified sampling technique was
used to select 85 male and 135 female patients, making a total of 220
respondents that constituted the sample size used for the study. The Instrument
used in this study for data collection was a questionnaire titled:
"Adaptive Coping Strategy in the Wellbeing of Patients Questionnaire
(ACSWPQ)". Face and content validation of the instrument was carried out
by an expert in test, measurement and evaluation from university of Uyo to
ensure that the instrument has the accuracy, appropriateness and completeness
of the study under consideration. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.80
and this was high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The researcher
subjected the data generated for this study to appropriate statistical techniques
such as regression analysis and independent t-test analysis. The test for
significance was done at 0.05 alpha levels. The study concluded that adaptive
coping strategies helps patient to improve their wellbeing during stressful
conditions which could be due to their capacity to handle difficult situations.
Adaptive coping strategies are influenced by various factors such as intensity
of stress, nature of the stressful life event, personal characteristics such as
age, gender, health status, education, religion, marital status
sociodemographic, socio-cultural, geographical, and environmental aspects.
Adaptive coping strategies benefit or positively affect the wellbeing of
patient who adopt the strategies. Examples of these strategies include
religious/spiritual coping, exercising, and socializing with friends and
family. One of the recommendations made was that medical practitioners should
help patient to advocate the adaptive coping strategies in their stressful
situation in order to alleviate the negative effects of stress in the life of
their wellbeing.
KEYWORDS: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Adaptive
Coping Strategies, Wellbeing, Patients, Hospital and Akwa Ibom StateÂ
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