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Service Quality Of Digital Libraries And Users Satisfaction
This paper considered the service quality of digital
libraries and user’s satisfaction. Digital libraries are electronic library,
virtual library, and a library without walls, it is not confined to a
particular location or so called building. It is virtually distributed all over
the world. Likewise, this paper reviewed some of the advantages of digital
library such as: no physical boundary, round the clock availability multiple
accesses etc, and some of it disadvantages of including: copyright, speed of
access, bandwidth, efficiency etc. With the important features of DL services,
the simplicity of accessing online information and the performance of DL
utilities have become of paramount importance. The advent of DL services, the
quality of service (QoS) has become crucial in assessing the efficacy of service delivery. Much of literatures have
showed that the level of QoS provided by digital service providers directly affects the perception and satisfaction of end-users.
Conclusively, within the DL background, user’s satisfaction is closely linked
to their experience with DL services. Thus, one of the recommendations made in
this paper was that considering how the interfaces of DLs can support different
users to accomplish their tasks is important. The DLs management should have a
global approach in which all users are presented with the same interface,
regardless the diversity of users’ preferences.
KEYWORDS: Digital Libraries, Service Quality and Users
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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