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The process of acquiring education is always changing to depict contemporary educational
methodologies and technological innovations. The increasing prevalence of technological
innovations has rescued so much of the boredom, experienced by many educators and
learners from administrative delay. Management Information System (MIS) as one of the
innovative technologies, contributed so much in reducing school administrative frustrations
and delay, such as administrative delay in access to official records, student records
mismanagement among others. The adoption of MIS in universities and colleges has been
observed to have reduced effort and improve performance in administrative correspondences
in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. MIS system usually provides a database of the institution’s
records (especially students, staff and financial records) with efficient ease of access to the
entire record, it also guarantees an appropriate administrative manipulation of these records
based on the demand of the institutions. This paper intends to examine the perception of
administrators on the adoption of MIS in various tertiary institutions in the North-West,
Nigeria, the research focus on the extent to which MIS influence administrators in their
official administrative engagements, which in turn improve MIS acceptance and use among
administrators. The research employed the use of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) as a fundamental theory for the study. 265 administrators participated
in the survey. Structural Equation Modelling-Partial List Square (PLS-SEM) was used for the
analysis of the data collected. The loadings (0.7), AVE (0.5) and composite reliabilities (0.7)
all exceeded the recommended values. This, therefore, indicated enough convergent validity
of the data collected and analysed. Inferences were drawn, and recommendations were also
provided by the researchers based on the result obtained from the analysis. The finding of the
research indicated that performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE) and social
influence (SI) significantly influence behavioural intention (BI). While behavioural intention
strongly influences the use behaviours (UB) of administrator in the adoption of MIS in the
North-West of Nigeria. MIS is therefore strongly recommended to be deployed or be
improved in the tertiary institutions to ensure administrative performance and safety of
KEYWORDS: Nigeria, MIS, UTAUT, Administrators, Tertiary Institutions, PLS-SEM

Bashir IDRIS, Lawali YAU, Zuwaira Ali FALALU
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